  • Environmental-Change-Forced-Migration-demy-224pp
  • Environmental-Change-Forced-Migration-demy-224pp

Environmental Change, Forced Migration and Internal Displacement In Central Asia


  • Author: Ravi Kant Anand
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Edition: 2021
  • ISBN: 978-81-950911-4-0
  • Language: English
SKU: 978-81-950911-4-0 Categories: ,


This book earmarks some of the issues and multifarious challenges faced by the Central Asian Republics. It endeavors to voice the concern, and attempts to bring to the fore issues of environmental change, forced migration and internal displacement in Central Asia. This book has been divided into three core sections- a) environmental change in Central Asia, b) socio-economic impact of environmental change and c) situation of environmentally induced forced migration and internal displacements: response of government and civil society. The main purpose of this book is to fill the gap in existing interdisciplinary knowledge on the links between environment and migration. It also provides a clear picture of environmentally-induced forced migration in Central Asia. The book seeks to prove two important hypothesis taken during the author’s research a) the environmental change in contemporary Central Asia is due to the legacy of Soviet developmental practices such as extensive irrigation, over- exploitation of natural resources, over use of pesticides and nuclear testing, b) environmental change generated socio-economic crisis, public health issues and other insecurities due to which people are forced to migrate to other places. In doing so it provides some of the best examples and practices that will help planners and decision makers in addressing pertinent issues and crafting policies and strategies appropriate for the developmental activities.


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