  • Educational-System-Structure-and-Development-demy-312pp
  • Educational-System-Structure-and-Development-demy-312pp

Educational System – Structure and Development


  • Author: Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Edition: 2021
  • ISBN: 978-81-950911-9-5
  • Language: English
SKU: 978-81-950911-9-5 Categories: ,


The education system which was evolved first in ancient India is known as the Vedic system of education. In other words, the ancient systems of education were based on the Vedas and therefore it was given the name of Vedic Educational System. Ancient education emerged from the Vedas. They are supposed to be the source of Indian philosophy of life. Vedas means ‘to know’. In the Modern System, Education is under the control of a Government Department, the Legislature makes laws for it, the Executive appoints its Directors, or the Ministers, who are really its masters, sends its Inspectors into its Schools and Colleges, and puts the Educators into a steel-frame, which it misnames efficiency, This is now alike in East and West. Indian Education Systems predominantly follows the system laid by the British. Although we can boast of having the IITs, IIMs and some of the best law and medical colleges, India’s contribution to the world of innovation is close to none. Our education system should therefore focus on churning out not just engineers, but also entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, writers etc. all of whom are influential in the development of the economy. This book relates to awareness, implementation and utility of education and social sector issues in our society like unemployment issues, women empowerment issues, health issues or education itself have been covered in this book. The book also offers empirical findings on the role of education awareness for social sector development and suggests suitable measures to make them more effective.


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